Monday, March 4, 2013

What Wi-Fi can do for single shop service businesses?

Technological advancement has always brought some kind of change in people’s lives. A similar shift can be observed happening in our lives as the penetration of smart mobile devices are increasing. Average internet usage per person can be seen going up due to presence of these Internet browsing capable smart handhelds and new medium of communication platform such as Facebook and Twitter. People are increasingly using social networking platform to stay in touch with family, friends and friend’s friends.

Interestingly, businesses can take benefit of user’s tendency of getting online frequently by providing user friendly and convenient option to connect to the Internet and thus deliver value added differentiated customer experience. One of such technologies is Wi-Fi. Businesses can use it for their own advantage in following ways:

Customer engagement: There are a lot of single shop service businesses or a chain of a business such as fine dining restaurants, beauty salons etc. where customers have to spend on an average 10-15 minutes before getting the service. Sometimes, professional services like beauty enhancement make customer sit idle for several minutes. By offering free Wi-Fi internet access, businesses can easily get customers engaged and let them use the idle time of service waiting period or processing period.

Free and effective social media marketing: Businesses can take advantage of wireless solution that can help get their customers redirected to the website or Facebook page of the businesses and ask them to like the product , service or business page in return of free wireless internet access. A like on Facebook immediately gets reflected to all connection of the customer thus businesses get free marketing of their brand among all connections of a visiting customer. A single shop local business heavily relies on local advertising medium as their prime customers are those who stay in the close proximity of these businesses. Facebook based social media marketing using existing satisfied customer is one the best form of effective, local advertising that today’s businesses must adopt.

Personalized greeting message: A lot of service businesses are looking for opportunity to greet their customers by their name in order to deliver unmatched personal touch in the service. This is hard to achieve using human resource as it is very difficult for people to remember each and every customer by their name. But businesses can use technology to greet their returning guest by their name with some custom message.

Why off-the-shelf Wi-Fi Access Point fails to meet above expectations?
A lot of wireless service providers are using low cost wireless gears available in the market to setup wireless internet access for the businesses. Unfortunately, these gears are only good to create a private wireless networks to be used in home environment. Wireless security implemented in these products is not suitable to be used in shared network environment as these wireless gears support common password. Once the password is shared among customers, it no more remains confidential information and may lead to unauthorized access by unwanted users sitting outside the fence of the shop. So, in order to protect unauthorized access to the Internet, it requires additional overhead of frequently changing the wireless network password. Even though if some businesses are willing to take the pain of wireless device re-configuration, social media marketing and personalized greeting message are value added advance features not supported in off-the-shelf gears.

How does Airegis solve it?
Airegis has developed a wireless system which is purposely built to meet expectation of single shop businesses. The product can be used by businesses leverage social media marketing, send automated greeting message to customers on arrival or let them simply enjoy high speed internet and indulge in online activities. Cloud based deployment reduce the overall cost of the solution and drastically reduce the deployment time.

Seeing is believing so feel free to send your request on for a free product trial.

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